Yu Liang Logo Image
Yu Liang

Hey, My name is Yu Liang

I am passionate about data analysis, math modelling, finance, automation, and systems engineering.

In my free time, I box, practice muay thai, and hit the gym.

About Me I am a final year Engineering Systems Design student with global experience looking for an full time job in the spring of 2024. Please contact me at yuliang_kwa@mymail.sutd.edu.sg.

As an adventurer who studied abroad in Thailand and USA, and participated in various overseas programmes, it made me realise that the world is a complex network of systems with lots of problems. This inspired me to want to understand how these systems work, and how to solve these problems efficiently. Solving these problems involves making important decisions as well, and I want to be able to use data to make better decisions.

I recently completed an industry project to create a profitable property model for a property consultant startup, The Right Move. I also developed an app to analyse stocks on SGX by scraping data from their website, running calculations on it, and displaying the results in an app that is easy to navigate through.

I enjoy working in teams, and have multiple leadership experiences as boxing club president, senior house guardian, and student council vice president.

I enjoy exploring the world, and am ready to grab whatever opportunities I have to make myself more global-ready.

Get to know me!

Hey! It's Yu Liang and I'm a Data Analyst located in Singapore. I recently completed an industry project for a property consultancy company: The Right Move to create a Profitable Property Model for advisory purposes.

I'm a bit of a data junky. Over the years, I've worked on numberous data analysis projects that involve webscraping, math modelling, and data visualisation. Feel free to contact me here.


My Skills

Data Analysis
Math Modelling
Web Scraping


Game of Loans

  • Led a group of 4 to build a banking loans simulator connected to a MySQL database, with features such as data visualisation and seasonal demand

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The Right Move logo

Property Forecasting Model

  • Collaborated with a property consultancy company: The Right Move, to develop a model to predict future property prices of condominiums in District 15
  • Consulted industry experts from The Right Move to determine quality inputs to the model, then wrote a script to web scrape and compile the information
  • Manipulated the inputs to avoid the unit roots problem, then looped through 16383 combinations of equations to extract the best linear regression model, resulting in adjusted r2 values of up to 0.70, with improvements of up to 0.65

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FPL Logo

Fantasy Football Linear Optimisation Project

Utilised JuMP and Julia to create a linear optimisation model to figure out the best possible fantasy lineup of 15 players that busy Fantasy Premier League enthusiasts could possibly create in the 2020/2021 season, with the lineup only selected at the start of the season and left untouched for the rest of the season.

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Software Screenshot

SGX Screener App

  • Extracted relevant financial information from SGX of close to 700 stocks through web scraping
  • Analysed the financial information extracted from SGX using Python to apply discounted cash flow valuation to estimate the fair value of various stocks
  • Designed the workflow and user interface of the app to display the potential of different SGX stocks for investment purposes

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Crop Yield Prediction

  • Developed a multiple linear regression model to predict crop yield in the United States using environmental indicators
  • Investigated the social impacts of implementing our prediction model, to ensure accountability
  • Designed an interactive website for users to perform their own prediction, and view historical trends of environmental indicators

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Software Screenshot

FundSuperMart Funds Screener

  • Extracted price history of more than 1700 funds displayed on the FSM website through web scraping
  • Calculated the risk versus returns of those funds and displayed the results on a interactive HTML website

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  • Designed an aesthetic solution to improve the queueing experience of around 100 DBS office workers in the indoor atrium of DBS Asia Hub
  • Built a physical prototype to demonstrate the ergonomics and practicality of the product
  • Created a wireless charger to improve convenience of phone charging while utilising Flexi-Q
  • Performed a life-cycle analysis to evaluate the environmental impacts of Flexi-Q

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