Crop Yield Prediction

A multi-disciplinary project involving the modules Modelling Uncertainty, Data Driven World, and Global Humanities, to tackle food safety and food security issues.

Modelling Uncertainty

Report: View Here

Multiple Linear Regression Model: Download Excel File Here

Global Humanities

Problem Statement: How might we address and improve food security issues in the United States using machine learning and regression?

Presentation slides: View Here

Data Driven World

Under the predict link in the navbar, users can input values for the predictors in the form. Upon clicking submit, the website will display the predicted crop yield based on the value of the predictors. To find out the coefficients the models is based upon, users can click on the info link in the navrbar. To check out the data that the model is based upon, users can click on the predictor links in the navbar to see the graphs of crop yield against predictor values.

Tools Used

Web Development
Math Modelling