SGX Screener App

A screener app for quick analysis of SGX stocks, with fair value calculations based off Professor Aswath Damodaran's discounted cash flow model, and functionality such as a watchlist and search bar for convenience.

SGX App Project Image

Project Overview

There are close to 700 SGX stocks listed online, which take a long time to individually analyse. However, not all stocks are worth analysing due to certain characteristics, hence this app aims to provide better insight on stocks with potential.

Data Collection

Webscrape financial statements and currency of all stock listed on SGX website

Data Analysis

Fair value calculation based off Professor Aswath Damodaran's discounted cash flow model

Data Visualisation


  • Next and back buttons to look through companies ordered by estimated fair value Like button to add interesting companies to a watchlist
  • Watchlist: View interested companies, can either remove or view page of the company Search bar within watchlist to directly jump to a particular company


  • plot_chart: plot relevant graphs
  • generate_info_dict: generate a dictionary containing relevant information for investment analysis
  • update_main_frame: display charts and information from plot_chart and generate_info_dict on the app
  • update_main_frame: display charts and information from plot_chart and generate_info_dict on the app

Code written with object oriented programming, only the above functions have to be updated to change the layout of the app

  • next, like, watchlist, settings (WIP): for functionality of buttons
  • Inputs

    • fcff_df, sgx_df: dataframe containing relevant information to be displayed within app
    • Future plans: input in a general dataframe, and choose which stats to show within app

Tools Used

Object Oriented Programming
Web Scraping